Thursday, August 11, 2011

Anonymous vows to kill facebook on November 5

Citing privacy concern and security violation of user information, hacker group 'Anonymous' has vowed to kill the social networking site (Facebook).

Anonymous claimed the social network provides information to 'government agencies' so they can 'spy on people.

Anonymous has set November 5th, 2011 as the date to destroy Facebook, which in Britain is celebrated as Guy Fawkes Day, a commemoration of the Gunpowder Plot in which Fawkes placed explosives in  the House of Lords in 1605.

Below is the video released by anonymous putting forward the reasons why they want to kill Facebook

"If you are a willing hacktivist or a guy who just wants to protect the freedom of information then join the cause and kill Facebook for the sake of your own privacy.”

“You are not safe. Facebook knows you more than your family.”

 "Facebook has been selling information to government agencies and giving clandestine access to information security firms so that they can spy on people from around the worldEverything you do on Facebook stays on Facebook regardless of your 'privacy' settings, and deleting your account is impossible. Even if you "delete" your account, all your personal info stays on Facebook and can be recovered at any time.” Those were the words from anonymous. 

Anonymous has claimed responsibility for every notable hacking attack this year, including the hacking into 70 law enforcement websites and took down the Syrian Ministry of Defense website.

For more story visit the following links:

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